What’s the difference between your hip and SI joint

What’s the difference between your hip and SI joint

What’s the difference between your hip and SI joint 

It can be extremely confusing to figure out the difference between hip and SI (sacroiliac) joint pain. But being able to identify which one is the culprit is crucial when you are looking to find relief. Your SI joint connects your tailbone (sacrum) and your pelvis. The SI joint is very fibrous and only moves a few millimeters. On the other hand, your hip is much less stable and allows your entire leg to move in every plane of motion. 

While the hip and SI joints are very different in structure and function, they share similar pain patterns, making it difficult to tell one from the other. It's common to have SI joint pain mimic low back pain. Bending backward usually aggravates SI joint pain due to the compression that happens in the joint as you move. Hip pain is more likely to occur when you walk or try to bring your knees to your chest. 

Hip Pain: characterized by pain with walking, weight-bearing, and rotating the leg

SI Joint Pain: characterized by difficulties while standing, walking, climbing stairs, and getting out of the car.

Low Back Pain: characterized by pain that radiates into the buttock or leg and may travel down to the foot

Science Source: 

Immediate Effects of Spinal Manipulation on Shoulder Motion Range and Pain in Individuals With Shoulder Pain: A Randomized Trial. J Chiropr Med 2019 

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction. Spine-Health 2021

Chronic Knee Pain. Healthline. 2021

Tennis Elbow. Orthoinfo by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. 2021

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July 17, 2023

Dr. Sidhartha Jandial

Dr. Sidhartha Jandial is proud to be serving the coastal community of Half Moon Bay. His education consists of Bachelors in Biology (University of California, Riverside), Masters in Public Health (Loma Linda University), and Doctorates in Chiropractic (Life Chiropractic College West).